Max is leading his own class as Professor for Jazz Violin at the Klagenfurt Conservatory in Austria and in addition teaches at the University of Music in Munich, Germany. He frequently gives workshops for string improvisation to all levels of players and holds trainings for string teachers. As Yamaha Artist he also offers clinics specialised on electric string instruments.
Through his teaching experience over more than twenty years he further has become a saught after coach for the subjects of ‚optimal focus for effective practice and peak performance’ as well as ‚unlocking ones full creative potential’.
He has held workshops at institutions such as Vienna University of Music, University of Houston, NOCCA Institute New Orleans, the German National Youth Competition to name a few, has been speaker at ESTA conferences and guest at numerous festivals, such as ZMF Freiburg, Jazzinty Slovenia, Edinburgh Festival, as well as Music schools in the US, Switzerland, Austria, Germany etc.

Coming soon

Max is planning to offer free advice to all people interested in his work in form of video lessons in the near future. These will be found under MEDIA. Max is also available for your workshop or a coaching for your employees, private lessons at home or via skype. Feel free to get in touch with him under This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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